Monday, March 7, 2016


Just a few of our adventures...

Ryder always climbing, trying to be like dad!

Family Fun

Ryder was helping Emme practice her songs!

Just a little sledding in the backyard

Emme's Spotlight. She was so excited to have her half birthday. Thanks to preschool we had to celebrate. 

Emme's half birthday cake and one present to make the day perfect!

Midway Ice Castles
Super fun, the kids loved them! Ryder especially loved to eat the ice!

Ryder wants to be just like dad, hold his bowl and sit on the counter to eat! 

Just a little swimming at the water park!

Fat Biking! It was a fun day out in the sun together! 

Night time cuddles with dad! 

Oh, how they paint so differently! 

Sunday, January 31, 2016

January Fun!

So my goal this year as related to the Blog is to post once a month. I hope to upload a few videos and pictures from our phone that covers all the fun and adventures we have had. I am hoping this will help me keep up to date!

Grandpa Bob, which is Brandon's Grandpa the kids great Grandpa wasn't doing well. We went to visit. A few days later he passed away. I am so glad that we made the effort to go visit. 

This is the day of Grandpa's Funeral, but it is also all of Brandon's family, in one place! We are so grateful for family, cousins, and family. 

Grandma Carol with her Great Grand Kids

Nothing like going to visit the fire station after the funeral. Trevor, a good family friend works at the fire station in the same town Grandpa Bob was buried. He took the kids on a ride, they were in heaven. 

Ryder loves to chew on the corners of pillows, he has a favorite. We are so glad Grandma K got another one that is smaller and can come with us! Never leave home without the pillow! 

The kids working on their bed, Ryder loves to climb. 

Ryder loves to sit and watch the fish

This kid cracks us up. He loves falling onto the bed and couch like this. 

"Mommy, I go potty" Oddly enough he actually went while on the toilet. I guess it is time to potty train.