I love the outdoors and I love to imagine! As a little boy I would ride bikes, but also grapple with the idea of how to make the bike faster, lighter, or more arrow dynamic; once I had an idea pictured in my head, I would rush home, get new parts, make adjustments to the bike and head back out to try my new theories.
As the seasons changed, so did my sports equipment: bikes to snowboards and skies. My imagination stayed the same, however, I began learning what ski or board was best for powder snow, slushy or hard-as-ice snow; continually trying different shapes and flexes—passion during the winter months.
Snowshoeing in Beaver |
I now have a profession in the sporting goods industry. Keeping up-to-date on the latest and greatest products not only satisfies my love of the outdoors and keeps my imagination alive; it also allows me to take care of my family.
This year I plan to take the things I’ve learned so far in my profession and accent it with a degree in mechanical engineering. My enthusiasm for understanding the how’s and whys and of moving parts will be a career that I will not only enjoy but allow me greater diversity in career choice.
When I am not outdoors, I enjoy watching the Food Network and creating recipes in our kitchen. One of our new favorite recipes is bow-tie pasta with sausage, spicy marinara, pine nuts, and broccoli. While Courtney and I were dating we loved watching Ace of Cakes, it was the inspiration for our wedding cake.
Working on projects to improve our home is also fun for me. To see the transformation overtime –sometimes too long according to Courtney—is amazing. We recently finished our basement--it went from dark wood paneling with a conversation pit, to a warm and comfy family room.
One of my favorite memories is serving my mission in Peru. I learned many life lessons, as well as, gained a deeper understanding of the gospel. This experience continues to impact me in my marriage and while serving in the gospel. I currently have the best calling, I am the 17-18 year old youth Sunday School Teacher. I look forward to teaching gospel principles' just as they get ready to grow up.
These hobbies, loves, and skills allow me to improve my life with family and friends—ultimately the thing that is most important to me. Spending time with family is treasured time. Family vacations, hiking, cycling and doing other activities allows for great memories to be made. Being Uncle Brandon to nieces and nephews brings a smile to my face as I play cars, build inventions, watch soccer games, or just laugh with them. It brings great joy to me. I look forward to having these same great times with our children in the future.
Our yearly pumpkin carving at Grandma K's. |
Check 'More Stories' for more about:
-What made me fall for Courtney
-My childhood
-Mission Stories
-Teaching snowboarding at Snowbird