Friday, June 24, 2011

Help Us Spread The Word... Grab Our Button

I haven't been so good with posting...I guess that is because I knew you didn't know our blog address. :) Now that we have shared that, I will be sure to post more often. We have a couple of pages up and we are diligently working on the others. We are cruising along with all of our adoption paperwork, things are going great. We would also LOVE your help spreading the word. My dearest friend, Michelle, created this blog button for us. Help us spread the word, just copy and paste the link below to add our button as a HTML widget on your sidebar! Thank you for your love and support.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Papers Are In

Today is an emotional day; one filled with excitement, hope, and trepidation. I am at a loss for words, so many emotions racing around the roads of my mind. Although, the decisions to put our papers in for adoption has been solid for over a week, the thought there for many months, taking the application and turning it in made it real.

It is a new beginning for us, a new chapter in our lives. The desire to have a family and be a mom seems within reach. It is nice to know that in 14 days we won't have to take a pregnancy test to have it show negative, yet again. The excitement and the process of adoption is just beginning and at the end, whenever it may be, we will be blessed with a sweet child that we will be privileged to raise in our family.

I am thrilled to continue to learn about the process, to discover the to do's to make this more of a reality. I am reading and trying to learn as much as I can. I have a new sense of motivation to make sure things are in order so we will be ready when given the opportunity to be parents.

Surely there will be days of frustration and sadness but today is a joyous day and I am so grateful for the support that has been given by so many! I am excited for this journey and can't wait for the next step!