Thursday, January 12, 2012

Just Some Thoughts...

Sitting in my hotel room in Midland, Texas allows time for reflection. Today at work I began talking with a teacher about adoption. She asked a funny question, "Can you love a child that is adopted the same as one that you give birth too?" Well, I can...I have never given birth to a child. But I know my love for Emme is deep, is true, and will always remain. I can't imagine that I would love her any differently had I given birth to her.

As I have pondered that question, I began looking on pinterest about adoption. I found a few quotes...Adoption is a mircle:

“A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of divine agency,” (Scott Simon).

I know that our Heavenly Father's hand played a divine role in getting Emme into our home. There was no real reason for CSS to allow the adoption to take place. The fact that Kayla, Emme's birth mom, walked into that agency just days after we had given them our profile and not weeks or months before. Kayla picked our profile, and it all happened within just a few weeks. If there are procedures to adoption we broke everyone of them...and it worked because Emme was meant to be in our home.

"If a mom and dad can love more than one child, why can't a child be loved by more than one mom and dad"

I know that Emme is love by her birth parents. Not only her birth parents, but her Grandma (Kayla's mom) and the rest of their family. Although they are not directly invovled in Emme's life she will know of them, of the love they have for her, and the amazing selfless act of allowing us to raise her will never be forgotten. Emme is loved and will always be loved.

Adoption :)

I may have not given birth to Emme, but I love her just the same.

Adoption the greatest joy for the adoptive family and the greatest sacrifice for the birth family. We are forever indept to Kayla and all those that are supporting her through what must have been a difficult choice.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Well, this year, we decided to write a Christmas has a nice recap so we are just going to post it.

Merry Christmas! I am so excited for my first Christmas. I
love looking at the lights on the Christmas tree and grabbing the colorful
ornaments. These wrapped boxes sure are getting my attention—I hope I get to
rip the paper off soon.

I have changed my Mom and Dad’s life, but it sure is fun. A
few short months ago my Mom and Dad got a call that I was on my way. On August
9th I was born, weighing 6lb 2 oz and was 18 inches long. I sure
have grown; I am now nearly 15 pounds and 25 inches long.

The past 4 months have been an adventure; when I was only 5
days old I went to the Tour of Utah and cheered the riders up Little Cottonwood
Canyon. Other adventures have been going on my 1st bike ride, 1st
hike, 1st plane ride, 1st trip to the zoo, and even support
crew at LOTOJA for both my Mom and Dad. I also love talking to my Mom and Dad,
taking baths, kicking and playing with my cousins, and being held by my
grandmas and grandpas. Life is wonderful at our house. When I want something I
just let out a cry and magically all is well.

I am excited for the New Year. In February, I go to the
Temple to be sealed to Mom and Dad for Time and all Eternity. I finally get to
wear my pretty white dress and get a name and a blessing.

We are grateful how the Lord has blessed us, allowing
everything to fall into place. I love my Mom and Dad and I know they love me.
They tell Heavenly Father everyday how happy I make them—I must be doing my

We wish you a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Love Emme K
Oh—and my Dad and Mom
Brandon and Courtney
Other Christmas Fun...
We had an amazing Christmas. It was wonderful spending time with family, the presents were great, but the best present was having Emme with us. Emme is our miracle.