Emme has rolled over a few times before now, but only with much persuasion. Now it is a mode of transportation. She has discovered it is a great way to reach a toy, the remote, or even Mom or Dad's phone. Her biggest fuss is that she still prefers to sit up and she can go from sitting up to rolling...but not from rolling to sitting up. At times this causes her much frustration.
1st tooth! One day, March 27th, I picked Emme up and saw something white in her mouth. A tooth, well today, April 2nd, it has come through. I can't believe how good she has been. I had heard horror stories of teething time. Emme had a running nose for a day or two, but she wasn't fussy, just chewed on everything (oh wait, she always has done that). Now just a couple weeks later number two has come!
Emme moves the most at night, it is so fun to go in her room each morning and see what postion she has gotten into that night. Some mornings she has her hands/arms or legs sticking through the slats of her crib. Often times she is turned a completely opposition direction from which she started. Many morning we find her happily looking for her binki that she has dropped out of the crib.
Her first cold, poor Emme got a nasty cold and cough. It was so sad to see her and not be able to take the pain away. She had a stuffy nose and a cough. Surprisingly for as sick as she was she was pretty happy. She needed a lot of attention and cuddle time for a few days. We were so happy that she got feeling better after a few days.
Emme is a talker, she loves making noises. She laughs a lot, she is especially ticklish on her back. One of the funniest things about her laugh is that after she laughs ends up with the hick-ups. We love her talk to her and get her to laugh. We are working on getting her to say mama and dada...
Emme is a great eater and sleeper! She loves her bannans and any veggie that we have tried. She espeically loves when her Grandma Susie gives her ice-cream! Emme usually eats two meals a day along with her usual bottles. She takes a couple of naps each day and sleeps through the night!