Some things to note for the last month--
Emme has finally started to crawl on all fours...that is when she wants too. She loves crawling for Coke cans even though she has never tasted it. She started crawling, then went to pulling herself up on all the furniture to now she is getting pretty good at just standing.
Emme loves the water, we have already been swimming a few times at Grandma and Grandpa K's house. She loves splashing, being splashed and playing with her cousins. Pictures to come. :)
Emme also got her first bike helmet!
Emme loves to swing especially when it is with Grandma Susie and Papa Steve.
Emme also loves to look at herself in the mirror. It is so fun to watch. She has started to figure out that she can see you by looking in the mirror. This is one of her favorite places to play.
Emme brings us smiles everyday. She is pretty perfect. She is such a happy girl even if she is hungry or tired. She rarely cries, she loves to cuddle, laugh and play.
We are very excited for our first trip to Lake Powell this coming week! I will post pictures when we get home or shortly after! I can't wait to see her in the lake...hopefully it won't be too cold.