Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Emme's First Hair Cut

Emme is getting so big. Her hair is really starting to come in. We thought it would look better if we just trimmed up her hair to make it even. She was so good as she sat on Grandma Susie's lap and had her hair cut.

I think the bangs have made her look older. She is already big for her age and now she really looks like an adorable toddler. She is growing up so fast, it is amazing.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I had mixed emotions as we decided to go through with me having surgery. After many years of intense pain multiple times each month, dealing with infertilty, and coming to the understanding that our family would come through adoption I had a hysterectomy.

Surprising to many, I felt calm and at peace about our decision. Brandon and I have been blessed with the most wonderful little girl. She has brought so much joy to our family. She is ours and was meant to be in our family. Knowing that Heavenly Father will get his children where they need to be and seeing that happen first hand I know that this was the right decision.

The surgery went well and the healing process is well on its way. The most difficult part has been the restrictions of holding and picking up Emme. Emme being 10 months doesn't really understand why all of a sudden I won't pick her up. It has been so hard for me to see her reach for me and cry and have to tell her sorry and have someone else hep her. She has been a great little girl though.

Emme visiting Mom in the hospital

We are so blessed to have wonderful family. Between Brandon's family and my family Emme has had many fun times the past few weeks. Each morning she heads to someones house for the day. Brandon goes to work and I sleep, watch movies, and read. It is so nice to know that we can turn to family to help us out during hard times. Thanks everyone for your help, we love you, and Emme loves playing with you all.

Besides our wonderful family, we have had great neighbors and ward members bring us yummy dinners and young women come and hang out with Emme. Thank you for your help. It means so much to us.

I am three weeks out of surgery and feeling great, now just three more weeks and I can get back to normal! :)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Lake Powell

Emme's First Lake Powell Trip...

Lake Powell is an annual vacation for the Bills' family. We are so excited to start this tradition with Emme. She loves water so we were excited to see how she would do on the boat and at the lake.

It was a very windy day when we arrived. White caps on the lake, the boat packed to the brim, and lots of people to get over to the house boat. It was going to be a bumpy, windy, wet drive but we were ready for the adventure.

The first ride over was Emme, Carter, Courtney, and Grandma Jo...with Papa Steve driving.

First time on the boat

Survived the wind, laughed and giggled the whole way over

We made it safely to the house boat. We unpacked the boat and then Steve returned for the rest of the stuff and to get the rest of the group. We hung out at the house boat in the slip to hope for the winds to subside.

First time in the water

After getting the perfect beach and place to park the boat Emme was ready for the water. She was so excited, she was waving her arms in the air and talkig away. She loved sitting in the water and letting the water splash up on her. When we took her out of the water she would scream and scream for the water.

Carter and Emme
Carter wasn't so sure of the water. He wasn't much of a fan during the trip. He especially didn't like when Emme would splash him.

One tradition at Lake Powell is sleeping on top of the house boat. We didn't want Emme to miss out. We brought a port-a-crib and set it up for her to join us. She loved being up top with the kids and playing with glow sticks.

Ava, Emme and Owen

Emme loves playing with kids, especially her cousins. She is a social little girl. She loved the glow sticks. Owen was a great cousin and shared with her. She continued to be a great sleeper. This is how we found her in the mornig.

Crazy morning hair

Boat rides and wake boarding. It is always so fun to go out on the boat and play in the water. Emme loved being on the boat once she got over having to wear a life jacket.

Dad wakeboarding

Emme taking a nap on the boat

Andrew, Jen and Carter

Mom and Emme

Emme and Carter

Jet Ski ride. Emme was ten months old today, what a better thing than going on her first jet ski ride with mom and dad.

Bath time...on the back of the house boat you can heat up lake water and take a shower. I don't know how clean you get with lake water, but it sure feels good to have warm water, shampoo your hair, and rinse off not in sand.  Emme loved her bath. We had a hard time getting her to let us turn the water off.

Hiking time...We set out on a family hike. Brandon had been up all night throwing up...from what we thought was food posioning. So he stayed behind. The hike started out being oh about a mile each way. After walking in heat and sand it felt much further. There were only a few survivers...

The beginning group

The Survivors...Papa Steve, Owen, Courtney and Emme!

Courtney, Emme
The hike wore Emme out, she was fast asleep

Papa Steve and Owen

Courtney, Emme and Owen

Lake Powell was fun, but one that we will all remember. We thought Brandon got food posioning, but soon learned it was the flu as the rest of the boat one-by-one spent a day/night throwing up. Poor Owen got it the worse as he threw up 19 times!

Emme loves her cousin Owen

Emme and Carter