Sunday, August 26, 2012

August Adventures

Always an adventure at the Bills house. We have lots of fun with family and friends. We love that we have the sweetest little girl to share it with us. Here are a few of our adventures during August.

Emme and Carter...Yes Emme is only 2 weeks older.

Emme and her Corn on the cob. Her favorite summer food

Dad and Emme napping after a swim in the pool

Found Dad's wallet and took what I needed

Out on an anfternoon hike/walk

Emme just having fun

Movie night by the pool

Mom's ruptured achilles after surgery

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Tour of Utah

This is a fun professional cycling race right here in the mountains of Utah. It is fun to go to the different stages to see riders as they work for stage wins and for the general classification. This year we went and watched as the riders came up Little Cottonwood Canyon and then again in Park City. We took our niece Hannah with us, it was a fun couple of days. This year was especially fun since one of B's good friends was riding for Trek Live Strong.

Hannah, Mom, and Emme

Daddy's cycling buddy

Dad and Connor O'Leary

Thursday, August 9, 2012

I'm One!

I can't believe our little girl is one! It has been the best year. This is the greatest adventure. Emme is the greatest little girl. She is so much fun! Here are some of her pictures from her birthday and from her one year pictures.

Emme is a big girl. She is 31 inches and 24 pounds. She is in the 97% of height and 90% for weight. She has 6 teeth and loves using them. She is walking all over, exploring the world around her. She is a great eater, she will eat most anything as long as it doesn't have cinnamon in it. She loves corn on the cob and has learned to eat the entire cob!

I am one! I love swimming

Swimming Party with my cousins

My Cake, based on the book "This is the Way"

My OWN Frog cake, I loved it

My Yummy Cake

Sunday, August 5, 2012

July, A Fun Filled Month

July was a busy and fun filled month, 4th of July, lots of time with cousins, Dad and Mom birthdays, 24th of July, boating, swimming and lots of playing with Mom. Summer is the best! I love not working and being able to be home with Emme. We have so much fun together. We played lots, Emme got two more teeth and has taken her first steps.

Emme and Elle...

I think this is one of my favorite stories, so I had to share. One day Emme spent the day at her cousin's house. Elle, was playing with her when she started to cry. Elle tried holding her and she wasn't settling down. My sister came and held her and calmed her down. My sister told Elle, "Sometimes little kids like to be held by an adult". Laer that day, Emme started crying again, so Elle, picked her up. Again she wouldn't stop crying. So Elle, thought...adults are tall, I will stand on the couch and I will be like an adult, and Emme will stop crying. Sure enough Emme didn't cry and Elle held her on the couch. Oh how kids think!


The 4th of July we had a great family day. We went to the park in the morning and played on the swings. We spent some time at Grandma and Grandpa K, had lunch, and then went to fireworks at Murry Park with Grandpa Steve and Grandma Susie, Grandpa John, Grandma Jo and cousins and friends. Emme loved the fireworks. She watched in awe, pointing and making sounds. She was happy and loved playing with her cousin Owen at the park before.

Clapping at the fireworks

Owen and Grandma

On the 24th of July we spent the day swimming at Grandma and Grandpa K's house. Then we did family fireworks with her cousins. Again Emme loved the fireworks and had fun holding a sparkler. She loves playing with her cousins in the pool and watching fireworks.

Mom and Emme doing sparklers, even though it's hard to see

Sparklers with Grandma and Grandpa K

Cousins watching fireworks

Birthday Fun...

In July both Brandon and I celebrate our birthdays. This year we spent the day together as a little family. We took Emme to Wheeler Farm. She so funny, she just sat in her stroller and stared. She didn't know what to think of all the animals, smells, and noises. She did learn that day how to say "quack, quack" like a duck. She was so good as we then went to lunch and had cake and ice cream with family and friends.
Watching the Ducks

Emme's funny little personality...

As of late Emme has developed some funny little parts of her personality. One of our favorite, yet frustrating, is her need for spitting out food to put in another bit. For example, she might be eating some teddy grams, she will spit one out and put another in. Then she puts the one she spit out back in. Funny at times, dirty always, but at least that she eats.

Emme is very socially aware. We have been watching the olympics the last few weks. If she hears clapping or cheering she stops whatever she is playing with and joins in. She claps and looks at the TV, then goes back to her playing. If we are in a group and we laugh, she will let out a laugh. She wants to be part of the group. of Emme's favorite things. She loves books. In the car this is her favorite thing to play with. She loves to look at the pictures, turn pages, and listen to stories. I love spending time with her throughout the day reading and looking at books.

Walking, Emme is getting oh so close. Just as she would crawl for Coke she is walking for Coke. She has taken a number of steps. She tries so hard, but she gets so excited that she falls down. She is taking about 4-6 steps each time. She has great balance and will stand for a very long time. She can squat down, pick up a toy, and stand back up. It won't be long before she is off and running...scary and exciting!