Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Fun

What a fun time of the year full of many traditions! This year Emme was a monkey and a very cute one!

Our litle Monkey
We started the fun with our annual pumpkin carving and Grandma and Grandpa K's house. Emme didn't love carving pumpkins but she loved playing with her cousins.

Ready to Party

Playing with Madi

Cousin Fun

Elle and Emme

Diggin' out the guts

I did it!

First two done!

Cousins and pumpkins

Handstand contest...Ty was the winner

Emme wanted t join the fun

Tera and Maya

We went to the pumpkin patch to pick pumpkins and get pictures.

Then the fun of Halloween night. We went trick-or-treating in SL with Emme's cousins. It didn't take her long to figure out how to knock on doors and grab candy out of the bowl. She loved it. We took a stroller thinking she would get tired of walking, but that didn't happen. She walked, laughed, and talked the entire time.

Emme and Ava

Emme figured it out!

I need two-handfuls

Yummy Teddy Grahms

She is still knocking on every door she comes too. We think that she things she will get candy when they open up. She is a sad girl when nothing happens.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Our New Yard

Turning a house into a home...

When we bought our house nearly five years ago it was meerly a walls with a roof over it. The inside and the outside were little to desire. After years of work it has moved into a very comfortable home; however, our backyard had been left untouched. With Emme getting bigger and her love for the outdoors we thought we should finish the backyard.

Ryan and Brandon spent a couple days finding the springler lines, digging, and running new pipe. Then Brandon's mom and dad and my dad joined to lay sod and build a wall. It looks great and Emme loves it. I was sad that I couldn't help since I was still on crutches. My mom helped me with Emme and helped around the house.  In just a day we had a beautiful new backyard.

Grandpa Steve

Grandma Susie

It's coming along

Grandpa K, Grandpa Steve, and Emme

As the last of the sod was getting in I took Emme out to see her new backyard. She went crazy, she loved it. She was running around, rolling down the hill, talking non stop. She loved it. We have been blessed with a mild fall so she has spent many hours out their since then.

Emme Playing on her new grass

Trying to figure out how to get up the hill

Rolling down the hill with Grandpa K

Emme's turn to roll down

How everyone felt after it was done
Thanks everyone for the help.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


What a busy month...

With school starting, recovering from surgery, Brandon's big sale at work, inventory, and Emme we have been busy. I have been on cruches all month and I am so grateful for Brandon. Without him I am not sure what we would have done. He has been a great dad, husband, and even fulfilled many mom, cooking, and laundry. He is amazing. He never complains and just serves us both. I am so blessed to have him as a husband and friend. Emme has the best dad, I love watching him take care of his little girl!

Emme is growing so fast. She is running around every where. She loves talking, climbing, playing with cousins, and just being part of the group. She surprises us with everything she can do. She loves dancing to any music. Whenever she hears music she stops and starts dancing. I hope to get some on film soon and I will post a video of it.

Two binks...which one do I want?
Both Please! Silly Girl
The craziness of the month we noticed that we didn't take many pictures. We do have a video from our phone of Emme eating corn and dancing...she makes us smile. Here are a couple pictures from our phone. I hope to get the video uploaded soon.

This next month should be better, I only have a week and a half left on crutches and life should get mcuh easier.