Just a few of the
things we are thankful for this season:
Words alone cannot describe how full our hearts are this season and each day as we look at the many blessings we have. Each day as we hold Emme in our arms, talk with her, play with her, and see her grow we know that we have been given the greatest blessing; that of being parents.
It has been a rough few months not being able to walk without crutches. Relying on those around me to take me to the grocery store, work, taking care of Emme, every basic need. It is nice to know that we have such wonderful family, friends, and neighbors that help without complaint. So many loads of laundry have been done for us, runs to the store, picking up and taking me and Emme here and there. Brandon has been an incredible support and strength in overcoming this injury. He has never complained only served with a willing heart. He has made dinner, cleaned house, run errands, taken care of Emme, all with a smile on his face. He has been amazing and I love him for that.
We look forward to this holiday season as we are with family and friends. Emme is growing and at such a fun age. She loves life, she is such a happy girl. She loves the Christmas tree, the lights, and we can't wait for her to enjoy the rest of the season.
Happy Holidays..we wish all that read this a wonderful Holiday Season.
Brandon, Courtney & Emme K