Thursday, February 21, 2013


Emme has always been a great eater. She loves to eat and will pretty much anything we eat. One night we were eating dinner and had some blueberries. If you ask me that is kind of an adult flavor as they can have a bitter or even tangy taste.

That night she feel in love with berries. She ate berry after berry, probably near 20. It has become a staple at every meal. She also loves strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. Many people carry a cup of crackers for their kids, we carry a cup of berries for Emme.

I am so grateful that Emme is a good eater. Some of her latest favorites besides berries are avocado, hot dogs, Dad's bagels with cream cheese, cheese, chicken, milk, and water.

In the last couple of weeks she  discovered how to drink out of a straw and drink from a big cup. She loves dinking out of a straw now, especially my water bottles. Any drink is better if it is from Mom's cup. That's is my favorite to always have backwash in my cup. She just ask so nicely that it is worth it!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

18 months

I can't believe our little girl is 18 months. Time is going so fast, yet we cherish each moment that we have with her. She is growing and progress like all little girls. She loves to talk, and sing. She can say tons of words. She also loves to sing her "ABs" (ABCs). She loves to read books and play with her cousins.

Being 18 months old means she is old enough to go to nursery at church. The first couple of weeks she wasn't a huge fan but she it is growing on her. She loves playing with the other kids. I think her favorite part of nursery is when they blow bubbles. She loves blowing and popping bubbles.

Emme is a tall girl, we often joke that she will be taller than both of us before she is 10. She is in the 90% percentile for height, almost 34 inches and she is in the 70% percent for weight at 26lbs. She didn't gain much weight from her year to know, just grew taller. She has mostly lost her adorable chubby thighs which is so sad.

Emme and Elle

Emme is a happy girl, she loves to play and laugh. She doesn't cry much and is a great sleeper. She sleeps about 12 hours a night. She has moved on from her 2 naps a day to usually just one a day. I love this because now when I get home from work we have lots of play time before she has to go to bed.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Emme's New Love...ELMO

Emme has recently grown to love the fuzzy, red, Sesame Street Monster... ELMO. Whenever we went to Grandma and Grandpa K's house she would pull out the Elmo that does the Hokey Pokey. Grandpa K would spend hours playing and dancing with her.

One morning she was really sad because she was walking around our house saying Elmo, Elmo. I felt so sad because we didn't have anything Elmo. I pulled out my phone and searched on my apps and found some youtube Elmo videos.

I am not sure if this was a mistake or something great, but since then she has become obsessed with anything Elmo. She likes to watch Elmo, hold Elmo, books about Elmo. Every morning Elmo is one of her first words out of her mouth.

Watching Elmo, eating crackers, and drinking milk...the life