Thursday, May 16, 2013

"I Eat Ice Cream"

Emme has been a great eater her entire life. She goes through spurts that she can out eat B and I. Tonight on the way home from the sitter she asked for "ninner" aka dinner. When we got home she asked for yogurt, hotdog, and a nanna. She proceeded to eat two gogurts, two hotdogs, and a nanna. She told me she was all done.
I wiped off her face, we washed her hands in the sink, and she got down and I thought she was off to play. Suddenly she was at the freezer door and said, "I eat ice cream!"
I said, "you want ice cream?"
"Yes!" Then she walked to the drawer with the silverware. Which she is now tall enough to open, reach inside, and get a spoon. She climbed up on the chair and said "peas?"
How can I resist. I got out the ice cream and gave her a scoop. She ate it all then jumped down and played the rest of the night. She makes me smile.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"I said no, no!"

Just a funny story that I don't want to forget...

W were driving down the road headed to dinner. Emme has been really attached to her bb (binkey) lately. She often asks for it even if she doesn't need it.

Ok, so Emme had bb and I turned to her and said,
"Can I have your bb."
Shaking her finger at me, she said, "I said no, no"

B and I started laughing so hard, which makes it worse we know, but it was so funny. She started to laugh and handed me her bb. Oh that silly girl. We sure love her!