Sunday, June 16, 2013

Family Fun

Family parties are so much more fun with Emme. We spent a few days down in St. George with Brandon's family for a reunion. We had a number of adventures.

The car ride down...
Emme was so good in the car. Between reading books, playing with cars, and watching Elmo she was a happy girl--as long as she had BB close at hand.

Zions National Park...we went on a fun little hike. It was named the frog hike because of the number of frogs and tadpoles found. It was a perfect hike, Emme walked nearly all of it. There was fun little ponds that she could play in. She loved playing in the water, climbing the rocks, and most of all catching and holding the tadpoles. She walked around pointing and saying "tadpole in water". She loved going on a hike, so much that we went back to hike and find the tadpoles.

Miss independent...walking all by herself.


Hangin' with my cousins Aba & Owie
(Ava and Owen)

Climbing up the rocks with Mom

Rock Slide
Rock Slide...down to Dad

Made it to the waterfall with Grandma & Papa

Swimming at the condo. Playing a little basketball with Carter and Jen. 

Mary Poppins at Tuacahn
Hike number two...
Splash Pad and Minute to Win It Games

A great weekend of family fun! We are blessed to have such a wonderful family. I love that Emme has so many wonderful cousins that she loves to play with.