While in St. George Emme discovered that she could climb out of her crib and onto the bed. When we thought that was bad, a few short minutes later she learned how to open the door to the bedroom. It made for some fun going to bed times!
We thought when we got home and got her into her crib, back into her nightly routines she would be fine in her crib. Boy were we wrong. We could barely put her in her crib, shut the door, and walk down the hall before we would hear a THUD on the floor and see a sweet little girl poking her head out the door.
We didn't want her to get hurt so we moved her to her big girl bed. At first she loved the idea and never came out of her room. The first night when we went to check on her before we headed to bed this is how we found her.
She doesn't always stay in her bed, or her room. It has been an adjustment for her to be in a big girl bed. She likes her new found freedom of being able to leave her room whenever she desires.
Her favorite thing to say at night when she doesn't want to go to bed is "cuddle". Her Dad taught her about the powers of cuddling. She knows that we love to hold her close. She would much rather cuddle then go to bed. Sadly she could cuddle most of the night without falling asleep. Or falling asleep to wake up the minute we lay her down.
It has been close to a month, she is better at staying in her room. She still would rather cuddle then go to bed. She has figured out how to open her door even with a child proof casing on it. But she is back to sleeping through the night and even getting her naps again. Sure love this little girl!