I love when we have calm time at home and we can just play! One of Emme's favorite things to do is play with play dough. She loves to makes balls and pull them apart. She loves when you make animals for her and then she talks to them, and makes them talk to each other.
Emme is in love with planes. Every time she hears or sees a plane she tells us they are in the sky. She tells the people on the plane hi. So when the Disney Movie Planes came out we knew we had to take her.
She loved it! It was nice we were 3 of about 10 people in the theater. She cheered for Dusty the entire time. "Go Dusty, Go!"
Grandpa John was showing Ava & Emme how to pick carrots. They were a big help except for the fact they pulled up all the carrots...ready or not! Non the less it was lots of fun to have cousins back in town and time to play.