Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Shadows, Tunnels, Songs, and Books

Recently we were putting Emme to bed and she said she was scared and was pointing. We couldn't figure out what she was pointing to. That night we held her tell she fell asleep. Night after night she keep saying scary, scary...until we finally figured out it was shadows that were scary. Brandon spent the next few days and nights explaining shadows and they are not scary. She now goes around talking to shadows, "hi shadow" "shadow you not scary, you funny!"

I need to take a picture of Emme's shadow and put it on here!

We learned her night creates a number of odd looking shadows and have since removed it. It has helped night go more smoothly!

Another one of Emme's favorites is tunnels. As we drive every overpass we drive under Emme shouts out "tunnel" I love driving with her because she is always talking and looking for the next tunnel. Brandon has taught her the difference between cars, trucks, vans, semis. It is very entertaining as we drive down the road!

Tunnels, overpasses...Emme thinks they are all great!

Along with naming all the vehicles singing songs is another car favorite. Over the holidays I had a Christmas songs playing and she fell in love with Rudolph, Frosty, and Jingle Bells. Now that I have pit that cd away it is If Your Happy and You Know It, The Ants Go Marching, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, ABC's and Bingo. I will try to record her singing.

She also loves puzzles. This is a puzzle she does at Grandma Susie's. When she knows she is being recorded she doesn't do them very fast...but she can do this puzzle so fast. It amazes me!

When I travel we face time at night to chat. This last trip she wanted to read books. First I read a book I had with her and then she red to me. I was only able to record. I loved watching it the rest of the trip to see my sweet little girl!

Sorry it is sideways, I can't figure how to flip it! :(

Seven Weeks

Ryder is getting so big! I can't believe how fast he is growing. The other day I went to put on his on an outfit and it wouldn't snap. It was a three month and he is only seven weeks.

6 Month outfit

Then I was doing some work on the couch and he was sitting next to me and I saw him start to roll over. I just watched and sure enough he rolled from his tummy to his back. I was in shock, I moved him back and he did it again, and again, and again. He has only done it a few times since then but he did it probably 15 or so times that night.  It isn't the clearest video, but you get the idea!
He also loves to sit up, with help. He is really strong, he holds his head up and likes to talk to us. He loves when his sister reads him books. It has brought so much joy to our family. We love you little man.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Oh, I feel like a slacker

I so feel like a slacker, I haven't posted in a while, especially pictures of my sweet girl Emme & our little man Ryder. It isn't for lack of pictures or great times. For some reason I often feel overwhelmed when getting ready to write on the blog so I do something else. So this is an apologize, to everyone that uses this to keep up with our family, but mostly to two fabulous people, our birth moms Kayla & Danuell, of our wonderful children.

So here is a video of Emme reading to me on Face Time. I was in California on a business trip and she wanted to read stories...I read some books to her, then she went to get books and started reading to me. It was the best!

A picture of little Ryder at two weeks old, a sneak peak to his photo shoot. I would post more, but this is the only picture I have gotten back so far!

Just thought I should let you know your pictures do exist ;) love your guts.

I will work on getting more pictures, I have Halloween of Emme, and of course lots of Christmas with our new addition to our little family.

Here is one of my favorites, Emme loves her brother...

I love my life! We feel so blessed to have two wonderful, healthy, happy kids and a wonderful hubby. Brandon and I love playing them, holding them, singing, reading, and just being a mommy and daddy! I am so grateful two wonderful women that gave us the gift we couldn't give ourselves, a family! We love you guys!