Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Funny Girl

So the other night we were putting Emme to bed! This has been a challenge as of late. She was great when she was in her crib. We had to move her to a big girl bed because she was climbing out. She learned to open the door and turn on the light at the same time. This sense of freedom is just too great for her! Keeping her in her room at bedtime is near impossible.

This particular night we had done the whole bedtime routine and I was leaving her room. I told her she needed to stay in her room. She could turn on her light, read books, whatever but NO coming out.

About 20 minutes later I heard her door open. I just waited to see what happened. She walked down the hall with her blanket on her she approached the front room she began crawling toward her stuffed puppy...she reached her puppy grabbed it and ran full speed back to her room.

Brandon and I were laughing so hard. I guess if she doesn't see us we can't see her. What a funny little girl! Love our sweet girl!


Emme was having a blast with her brother tonight. Ryder was laughing so hard. Just a short clip to enjoy! Love our kids! This was one of the first times that Ryder acknowledged Emme. Since then Emme does raspberries often. Every time Ryder cracks up.

California Fun

We went on a family trip with all of my brothers and sisters and their kids and our parents. It was such a fun week! We rented a beach house that was 100 yards away from both the bay and ocean! We played at Lego Land, Sea World, Disney Land and the beach! Great times had by all! Here are just a few of our favorite pictures!


Maya drove with us to help with the kids in the back seat!

Crashing on the floor at our Aunt and Uncles house in St. George.
 Emme loves having someone to sleep by.

A little movie and headphone time!

Emme is a water girl and always has been! She loves the water and the temperature doesn't seem to bother her. The night we got there we walked down to the bay to SEE the water. Try telling that to a two year old. She quickly ran in the water, and was soon just in her diaper. Silly girl!

On Sunday we went to church. It was an excellent sacrament meeting. After we went to show Emme where we got married. She is also excited to go to the temple in her white dress!

Monday we went to Lego Land. It was fun, but not some where I loved. It didn't have much for Emme and lines were really long. The rides were not super exciting. The kids liked it, but didn't love it.

Day 2 was Sea World. I knew that Emme loved animals but I didn't know she loved them this much. She LOVED Sea World. She sat through the animlas shows without moving, she was so engaged in them. She loved the rides there. It was such a fun day!

We didn't leave the parking lot before she was gone.
No naps = exhausted girl.
A sleepy boy

Day 3: We drove up to Disney Land with my brother and his family. Brandon's sister and her family live there as well so they meet us and spent the day together. We had a great time. Emme loved any ride that involved a boat and seeing the princesses. Although I think she had a great time, I think she was a little young. She enjoyed Sea World more and seeing the animals. She was always asking for the orca's and dolphins.

The rest of the trip is were Beach and Park days!

Emme loved digging in the mud!




Our handsome little man hanging at the beach

Checking out the water

Watching the boats! Emme loves holding her little brother.

The little kids, missing Madi and Hannah
Crazy cousins...missing Maya, couldn't get her out of the water!

Going for a little ride!
Building sand castle with Madi

Family Picture, don't worry Ryder didn't go out without a jacket!

I didn't realize until we got home that Brandon was always taking pictures.
He was there the entire time, we just missed him in most of the pictures.
Remember for next time!

Seal Beach

Emme loved using the binoculars, although, I am sure she couldn't see anything.
 She used them all day.

Family Picture, but someone is holding Ryder.

Just Dad and Ryder




Ty loves having a boy cousin, he just needs to get bigger so they can play!


One night an adult dinner, with Ryder! What a great Daddy!

We snuck out for a bike ride. Rode to the Temple. A beautiful ride!

The journey home was fun. We sang songs, colored, and played games. At one point Emme was coloring beautiful pictures. I turned around to check on them and she decided her face was a good place to color! She was very proud of herself! Thank goodness it was washable marker!
"No not home, I want the beach" were the words Emme spoke as we pulled onto our street. She loved our trip with her cousins. Two weeks later she still talks about the beach and the animals! I am so grateful for our family. I am grateful for our two wonderful kids that make a trip like this so fun, exciting, and exhausting! It is a trip we will never forget! I am grateful that I have a wonderful relationship with my mom and dad and my siblings. I love that we can all live under one roof for an entire week and not kill each other, but be sad to leave. I have a wonderful life with a wonderful husband, two amazing kids, and am blessed beyond words.