Thursday, December 31, 2015

Christmas Fun

The holiday season is always lots of fun! We love spending time with family and playing with the kids. We were so happy to get settled into our new house in time for the holiday season. We love the memories that we make with family and friends. Here are a few pictures from December.
Temple Square Lights with cousins

Ginger Bread Houses with Grandma & Grandpa K

Barn Party Fun

Grandma Jo & Grandpa John

I love that our kids have their Great Grand Parents to play with

Snow Angel, Emme was so excited for the big snow storm

Opening Presents Christmas Morning

Emme thinks it is always summer and loves her "Jungle Dress" regardless of the temperature 

Christmas Morning

Sledding with cousins

Love our cousins, aunts, and uncles

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Ryder's Two

I can't believe our little guy is 2! He is so much fun, full of energy and always on the move. He loves adventure, being tough, and playing hard. We had a fun and small birthday party for him at my moms. Just cake and ice cream and running and playing with cousins. Here is a link to his book for the year.

I love making these books, it is such a fun way to remember the great things during the year. We always print 2, one for us and one for their birth mom. Hopefully it is a memory that they can then cherish as they watch them grow up.

Here's to another year of adventure!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Florida Fun

We went to Florida last minute, and the reason changed once we arrived. Sometimes life is tough and doesn't go as planned. It was so hard to tell the kids, especially Emme, that things weren't what we thought. Instead of being sad and just coming home we decided to make a fun memory for us and the kids.

We spent a day at the beach, Sea World and Disney World. It wasn't a planned trip and so we didn't have much time. But we made the best of it and made a lot of memories...that will last a life time. I'm so grateful to have such a wonderful little family, and I can't wait for it to be completed with our last little one. :)

Getting a family picture with everyone look is near impossible, this is how most turn out

She could play at the beach all day long

Jelly Fist

Sea World. The kids loved the Orca and Dolphin shows

Ryder was in love with Rapunzel, he couldn't stop looking at her. It was so funny. 

While visiting Bell he couldn't stop looking at the candle stick

Dad was a good sport. The lines were SOOOO long, over an hour wait for almost everything. 

Emme was so brave and went on this with us. She had a love hate relationship. She said she loved it but didn't want to do it ever again! 

Ryder's kiss from Rapunzel

Keeping busy at the airport

His back pack was so heavy but he loved carrying it around. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Building Our Family Through Adoption

We have been so blessed by adoption. We are forever grateful for Kayla and Danuelle for their love for Emme and Ryder and the that they allowed us to love them too. It is our greatest joy to be parents. We are hoping to add to our family again.

Copy and paste the link, if you have sign up for a free Shutterfly account to view our profile book.

Emme's 4 year book

Each year I put together a book to highlight the year for the kids. I try to have it done around their birthday. Here is Emme's book from when she turned 4! Enjoy! Just click the link and you can preview the book! I think to view it you have to have a shutterfly account. It is free, just sign up. I can't find any other way to share it. Sorry :(

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Halloween Fun

A Frozen Family...

Emme decided that we all needed to dress up this year. I put it off as long as possible as I really don't love dressing up. I could say that it is out of mine and Brandon's comfort zone...but what you will do for your littles. Emme decided she would be Elsa, Ryder Olaf, Me Anna and Brandon Kristoff.

For the most part it was pretty easy to purchase costumes, but you can't find a Kristoff costume anywhere. The only one we found was $799 dollars in England...a little out of the budget. So DYI I began. I am so grateful for Brandon's mom that helped me out it together. I think that it turned out pretty well.

We decided that if we were going to go all out we might as well get our pictures taken. Emme and Ryder loved it, and were so good while we had pictures taken. Here are a few of our favorites, we just can't wait until Halloween next week.