Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Emme's 4!

I can't believe Emme is 4! It seems like yesterday we were holding her in the hospital. What a wonderful blessing Emme has been. She is the happiest girl, who loves life. My sister-in-law, Jen, thinks she would be the perfect Disney Princess. She loves to wear dresses, has the sweetest voice, and has the perfect hand gestures. She truely cares about others. She always is asking how your day way, or how work was, or did you sleep well. She is the perfect person for compliments. She tells you that she loves your outfit, your hair, or playing with you! She makes you feel so good! She is a friend to all, and wants others to be happy.

For her birthday this year she got a couple of parties. First we had a party at Grandma K's house. We planned a swim party with her cousins but it decided to rain all we went to Chucky Cheese. She had a great time playing with a few of her cousins. Then we went back to the house and had cake and ice cream. Emme wanted a Strawberry Shortcake cake. My mom's friend makes cakes and it turned out perfect! Emme was in love with the cake.

The next day we had a day out with our little family at Lagoon! She has loved having passes this year. We go about once a week and play on all the rides. She is getting braver each time we go. She is so tall, but we forget she is only 4! She could ride the white rollercoaster, but isn't brave enough...yet!

That evening we had a photo shoot, and her cousin Elle came. It was so fun. A former student of mine, mom took the pictures. She does an all about me photo shoot. Emme loves arts and crafts. She paints all the time, loves markers, beads, and creating! She did an amazing job. So far I have only seen a couple pictures, I can't wait for the others to come back!

To finish celebrating we left for our week long trip to Lake Powell! We have been telling Emme for months that her birthday was when we were at Lake Powell. As soon as we got on the lake she looked at me and said "it's my birthday!" She wanted the cup cakes we brought right then with her presents! So we celebrated a few days early. We also celebrated her cousin Ava's June birthday and cousin Carter's August birthday, since they live in California and we don't see them much! Emme loved her birthday and Lake Powell!

Emme is such a great girl! We love her with all our heart. We feel so blessed to have her in our life. It has been so fun to see her grow and learn over the last 4 years. I can't wait for the many years to come! We will always be grateful for her sweet birth mom, Kayla. What an act of love she showed when she placed Emme in our arms. She gave us our family. We love her and think of her often.  You are loved Kayla.