Tuesday, September 22, 2015

"Oh Gosh"

Ryder's personality has really come to life the last few weeks! He is starting to stream words together, asking lots of why questions, and he continues to explore all around him! Here are a few of his latest sayings...

"Oh gosh!" We can thank Papa Steve for that!
"Oh gamosh, Oh gamosh!" He was holding instructions of how to build a horse and kept holding it up saying it! Made me smile!
"Hello!" in the sweetest voice as his little feet pitter patter across the floor. He is often looking for someone when he wakes up from bed or a nap and wonders saying "hello!" until he finds someone!
"OW...OW..., I OK" Ryder falls a lot! He doesn't ever cry, just wipes his hands off and continues to go!

We sure love this crazy monster! He is always happy, full of energy and moving! His personality is so fun, we love him!

Park Fun

We go to the park often and I am always amazed at Ryder's coordination; yet, I am often too worried to take a picture or video anything. But today I did...he has been climbing things like this for months, but to me it is just crazy. He is only 22 months old...

I also love that he and Emme have become great little friends. They play so well together, laugh, run, chase, and occasionally pull each other down the slide! All in good fun, Ryder ended each time down with...more please!

It was a great day to be a mom!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Soccer Fun

Emme started soccer this year! Well, we can say she's not a natural player, but she is a natural friend and cheerleader! She loved cheering on her team and talking with her friends. She ran a lot and kicked a little! She always said it was fun and always wanted to go to practice and the games! I guess we can call that a success!

Ryder liked playing during the whole game. It's hard to see but he would dribble and kick the ball the entire time!

Emme's Team! The Colorado Rapids

Emme's Medal for playing...or being on the team!