Thursday, December 31, 2015

Christmas Fun

The holiday season is always lots of fun! We love spending time with family and playing with the kids. We were so happy to get settled into our new house in time for the holiday season. We love the memories that we make with family and friends. Here are a few pictures from December.
Temple Square Lights with cousins

Ginger Bread Houses with Grandma & Grandpa K

Barn Party Fun

Grandma Jo & Grandpa John

I love that our kids have their Great Grand Parents to play with

Snow Angel, Emme was so excited for the big snow storm

Opening Presents Christmas Morning

Emme thinks it is always summer and loves her "Jungle Dress" regardless of the temperature 

Christmas Morning

Sledding with cousins

Love our cousins, aunts, and uncles

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Ryder's Two

I can't believe our little guy is 2! He is so much fun, full of energy and always on the move. He loves adventure, being tough, and playing hard. We had a fun and small birthday party for him at my moms. Just cake and ice cream and running and playing with cousins. Here is a link to his book for the year.

I love making these books, it is such a fun way to remember the great things during the year. We always print 2, one for us and one for their birth mom. Hopefully it is a memory that they can then cherish as they watch them grow up.

Here's to another year of adventure!